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The Retreat-House in the Appennine Mountains


The Retreat House of the Sakya Ngon Ga Ling is located in a village on the south slopes of the Apennines, a summer resort not far from the ski areas and natural parks of Abetone: the place itself invites to reflection and meditation.

The building that host the small Retreat Center was built on the ruins of a medieval castle and its rooms offer a wide view of the valley towards the Florentine plain and the woods of the Apennines. Nearby facilities for food and accommodation can be found and a small number of persons can also stay in the guestrooms of the Retreat House.
The most important activity of the Retreat House is organizing "Thun-Retreats", short retreats of Buddhist Practice, individually or in small groups (5-10 people), to focus on specific aspects or particular practices of Tibetan Buddhism connected to the Sakya School .


​ Normally the retreats are for 2 days (from Friday evening to Sunday afternoon) or for one week and they are residential or semi-residential. Participation in this religious practices may be reserved to those who have received the necessary initiations by a qualified teacher of the Sakya Tradition (except for retreats related to the Ngon-dro, the preliminary practices, that can be done without specific initiations). Participants are request to give a free offer necessary to keep going on the activities of the center also in the future.

For information you can call + 39-347-3460064 (during practices and meditations, the phone is not active).

Throughout the year also yoga classes (Monday and Wednesday at 19:30, Thursday 20.30) and courses for Tibetan Meditation take place. The Meditation courses are divided into three levels, the first concentrates on meditation of tranquility (samatha), the second and the third level, instead, treats introspective meditation (vipassana). The course follows an ancient text from the early XVII century written by the XI Karmapa Wangchuk Dorje, as taught by Thrangu Khenchen Rinpoche, a renowned master of the Kagyu-pa Lineage who taught this precious method to many Western disciples. The course is held once a month, normally on Tuesdays. For those living far from the center, intensive seminars during the weekends or in the Summer Holidays can be organized (Please contact Bert of Arragon)

For information call  + 39-347-3460064


Via Castello di Cireglio, 54

Cireglio (PT)

During the winter months meetings with the title "Teat-time with the Buddha" (on Sundays from 15.30 onwards) are organized: we meet to talk, in front of a good tea and some biscuits, about Buddhist Philosophy, starting with the basic notions . These meetings are open to all for a free offer and the give the opportunity for reflection as much for beginners as for those who are already experienced practitioners.


​​During summer, Meditation Days and common practice meetings are programmed, if possible outdoors, giving the possibility to live a beautiful experience in the Tuscan mountain area.

​For more information please send an email to, but you can also call us at + 39-347-3460064 (Bert) or at + 39-335-482 485 (Jessica)


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